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Open Educational Resource Library

What are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials either in the public domain or made available under licenses that allow free use, adaptation, modification, and sharing. OER materials can be digital or print, with digital formats that are especially adaptable and easy to share. Examples of OER include:

  • Single Items: syllabus, presentation, research framework, course guide, single module, multimedia content.
  • Comprehensive Items: case studies, curricula, data dashboards, digital textbooks, online courses.

What PIT-UN Grantee Resources Are Available in the  SkillsCommons PIT OER Library?

PIT-UN projects focus on four primary areas to build the field:

  • Educational Opportunities
  • Career Pipeline & Placement
  • Faculty & Institutional Development
  • Strengthening the PIT Network

In SkillsCommons, resources created by PIT-UN grantees are organized into two collections:

Most PIT-UN OER are in the Learning Resources collection and may include single and comprehensive items. Sometimes, the final grant report is available in place of specific teaching materials. Some grantees provide additional resources, while others may require direct contact for access. Each project listing includes the grantee’s institution and contact information for accessing supplementary materials not available directly on SkillsCommons.trhe 

Explore Projects by Focus Area

Educational Opportunities

Teaching and learning the ethical, political, and societal implications of new technologies. 

Career Pipeline and Placement

Clinics, internships, fellowships, fairs, hackathons at the intersections of tech and public interest. 

Faculty & Institution Building

Research, curriculum development, teaching, and service work to support PIT practitioners and institutions

Strengthening the PIT network

Conferences, fellowship programs and other resources to help scale PIT initiatives across the Network.

SkillsCommons Tip Sheet

This PDF provides an overview of our OER Library, including:

  • What’s in the library
  • Library organization
  • How to start searching
  • FAQ’s on OER and licensing

Where did these OER originate?

All resources in this library were created by members of PIT-UN, a 63-university network cultivating the field of Public Interest Technology, which has gained widespread recognition and support in academia, government, civil society and industry since PIT-UN’s founding in 2019. 

The projects here are funded by the Network Challenge, an annual grantmaking program to drive equitable innovation in technology. The Network Challenge is open only to PIT-UN Members, and projects fall into four Focus Areas critical to building the field.  

The OER are hosted on SkillsCommons, a free and open online library supporting a wide range of higher education and career technology programs. All materials are free to share and adapt with attribution under the terms of Creative Commons BY 4.0