Our Impact
Member Institution Growth from 21 to 63 (2019-2024)
Across the Nation
Grantee Projects Funded Since 2019
Building the Future Report
The Building the Future report made a strong case for the need to create a community of practitioners invested in exploring and building the nascent field of public interest technology. Through 17 in-depth interviews, academics, and practitioners shared that a key barrier to growing the field was a lack of shared principles, goals, or even a definition of public interest technology as an academic discipline.
PIT-UN: Understanding the State of the Field Report
This landscape report sheds light on the priorities of PIT-UN members and opportunities for future growth. The report draws on both an in-depth member survey and a broad scan of related activities, academic programs, and research initiatives underway at 43 academic institutions that made up the membership of PIT-UN as of the summer of 2021.
Through our PIT News & Case Studies, we share updates on PIT-UN members and projects and provide a roundup of happenings in the PIT UNiverse.