Dr. Kevin Harris
Chair, Computational and Information Sciences
Stillman College, under the leadership of President Cynthia Warrick, has created an environment where faculty work collaboratively to design academic experiences that are cross-disciplinary. Preparing students for a 21st century environment, technology is a fundamental aspect of the experience. Development opportunities for faculty include training in AI, blockchain technology, data analytics, and cybersecurity to date.
Through the development of true academic and industrial partnerships, pioneering institutions such as Stillman College seek to meet the student need of obtaining hard and soft skills required to be successful as they move through their lives and careers and to form relationships that build connectivity, increase institutional research capacity, promote student exchanges abroad, and foster innovation in education that can lead to solutions to real world problems. This describes the 100K Americas initiative where students from every academic division are represented on teams solving global issues using technology and innovation.
Being a member of PIT-UN provides exposure to other academic institutions and their experience in the PIT arena; allows us to form strategic partnerships to expand our depth and reach in certain areas; and expands development opportunities for faculty and experiential opportunities for students.
Career Pipeline and Placement
CyberSecurity DEI Clinics
The project will establish a Cybersecurity Clinic building on the Citizen Clinic model developed at UC Berkeley’s Center for Long Term Cybersecurity. The clinic will be a part of The Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics with a focus around providing diverse student populations an opportunity to strengthen skillsets and develop a strong portfolio prior to graduation. Students will gain experiential learning by helping organizations mitigate cybersecurity risk through an interdisciplinary approach at no cost to the organizations.
Principal Investigator
Kevin Harris, Program Chair, Computational and Information Sciences